VENI ACADEMY is a project aimed at forming an ensemble which systematically educates young
people, students of conservatoires and music academies in the interpretation of 20th-century and
contemporary music. The idea is the brainchild of several members of VENI ensemble (namely Marián
Lejava, Daniel Matej, and Ivan Šiller), whose principal activities lie in contemporary music and who feel
its absence on all levels of majority of the educational systems worldwide. Through workshops, seminars,
and summer master courses, the aim of the pursuits of VENI ACADEMY is public presentation of the
results of their accumulated knowledge and experience.
The first public presentation of VENI ACADEMY took place in 2010 during the ARS NOVA
CASSOVIAE festival. To this day, VENI ACADEMY is already a project of quite a surprising scale with
many successful concerts in a variety of venues (conventional halls, unusual spaces like parks, shopping
malls and streetcars and large festivals such as Bažant Pohoda Trenčín or Music Biennale Zagreb as
well). Their debut CD ROLLING STONES│IN ZARTER BEWEGUNG was recorded in July 2013. The
CD was awarded a prestigious Radio_Head Award 2014 for best album of the year in category “Classical
music 2013”.
At the beginning of July 2015, a summer academy took place in Kasárne/Kulturpark in Košice, the
“second home” of VENI ACADEMY. The main guest was the composer and guitar player Elliott Sharp.
The result of this few days cooperation was a concert during the international festival ARS NOVA
2015 and the recording of the four compositions which are to be found on the new CD DISPERSION, issued in 2018 by the prestigious New York based label Mode Records.
(Daniel Matej)
VENI Academy

Daniel Matej
art director
Fero Király
keyboard instruments
Fero Kiraly graduated from the Music Faculty of Academy of Performing Arts, Bratislava where he studied piano. He is interested in musical projects overlapping performance, sound art, installation, interpretations of contemporary music and musical reinterpretation of visual art. He is also involved in educational projects where he experiments and often tests his own limits by creating own software and collaborating with other artists from different disciplines. He created a series of workshops for children called Soundring in which he uses self-made music instrument Zvukodrom. He is the author of interactive book for music teachers PIANORA that consists of musical and sound games and experimental music. As a chamber player he is a member of various international ensembles (Cluster Ensemble, VENI ensemble, Kiraly & Zabkova, Namestie Republiky, Dirt Ensemble, Urban Hudak and others).

Braňo Dugovič
lecturer, clarinet
Braňo finished his doctoral studies at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, where he was an assistant lecturer in the years 2007–2008. Currently he teaches at the Faculty of Education, Comenius University in Bratislava. He has worked with many Slovak and foreign artists and groups, such as N. Bulffone, M. Valent, E. Šušková, Ostravská banda, Cluster ensemble, VENI ensemble, Melos Ethos Ensemble, orchestras Cappella Istropolitana, Slovak State Philharmonic Košice and others. In Slovakia Braňo premiered many pieces by various composers, domestic and foreign (Danzi, Mendelssohn, Tate, Zeljenka, Kupkovič, Lejava, Iršai...). Braňo’s performing art appears on many recordings for Diskant, Music Fund Slovakia, Naxos and others.

David Danel
Studied violin at the Janáček Conservatory in Ostrava (Ladislav Gořula) and at the Institute of Art Studies (Zdeněk Gola). He devotes himself to experimental projects combining artistic disciplines and music genres (e.g. performance “Bach” for a dancer, violin player, reciter and light design, project D6 with David Dorůžka and Dan Dlouhý). He is the artistic director of the contemporary music ensemble Prague Modern. Since 2016 he has been the director of the Czech Music Information Centre.
Peter Tornyai
Milan Adamčiak
Adizione (1980) @
Poonsoirée (1975) @
Configurazione dei due elementi (1980) @
Penetrations_K @
Modelli per clarinetto solo (1979) @
Fandango (1976) @
Heterophonica II (1971) @
(Sk) Emotions I (70-te roky 20. storočia) @
Balázs Horváth
Poème Canonique, Trgll (2016), world premiere / written for VENI ACADEMY @
Magnets I/c (Crux) (2011), world premiere / written for VENI ACADEMY @
Daniel Matej
Structures, Pages (… and Improvisations) (2010), world premiere / written for VENI ACADEMY @
Ian Mikyska
this piece is to be played three times, softly (2016), world premiere / written for VENI ACADEMY @
Music Biennale Zagreb 2015: world-class festival with a bit of Slovak flavour
The festival's programme was indeed very impressive - we can just mention a few names of renowned ensembles or soloists (Klangforum Wien, Asko|Schönberg Ensemble, Musikfabrik, Daan Vandewalle...) or composers (Thomas Adès, Kaija Saariaho, Bruno Mantovani, George Benjamin, Michel van der Aa), which were quite heavily focused in the line up. In this context appeared a solo recital by Milan Paľa and a series of concerts of VENI ACADEMY prepared in collaboration with selected students of the Music Academy in Zagreb, featuring, naturally, works by Slovak composers.
Elliott Sharp: „If you want to be an artist, your art should be completely embedded in your way of life.“
The American composer, improvizer and guitarist Elliott Sharp was this year's guest of the Sumer music academy VENI ACADEMY in Košice Kasárne/Kulturpark. [...] Besides playing solo on the guitar and supervising the recording process, he also shared with the students and tutors his memories of the New York avantgarde, Cage, Feldman, his plans for the future but also his views on aesthetics and philosophy of creativity...
VENI ACADEMY: Rolling Tones / In zarter Bewegung
(Sk) CD som „zhltol“ na jedno posedenie a prakticky hneď sa mi žiadalo vypočuť si ho znova. Keď som premýšľal nad príčinou, uvedomil som si, že tu významnú úlohu hrá umne zostavená dramaturgia.